I was looking around the internet and came across the above site. I was wondering, do any of you think you would wear any of those clothes? I mean I have worn the footy pajamas and absolutely LOVE them! I wear them all the time especially when it is cold out and if it has a seat in the bottom it makes it even easier especially for checking and changes! But I have never worn some of the other types of things. I am just not the type of person who is into that kind of thing because I mostly love to just wear my diapers under my every day clothes because to me that is the most comfortable thing! But just because I don’t enjoy it does not mean that there aren’t others out there and I do find it intriguing in a way! So if you are enjoy wearing clothing like this or anything related let me know! or if you don’t! Sorry that I tend to be more conservative in that area but would love to hear from some of you!
More to come soon….
You may also want to check out thiss site, I’ve bought lots of good stuff from them.
I myself am not one for the clothes but i do also like a sleeper and a onesie from time to time.
A few years ago I found a onesie on Ebay that I feel in love with that was made by one of my favorite clothing makers back then…who has since disappeared. It’s the only clothing item I have and I love it. It’s just a simple blue onesie, but then it’s got a silver trim to it along with a tiny bear over the heart. It’s fleece so it keeps me warm in the winter and is just fun. I like the idea of some of the clothes, but most of the people who make them….really make them so tacky and just something I wouldn’t even dress my boys in so why would I want to wear it? But there are some things out there I like, and so do other apparently so it makes the price to high for me to really see spending that much on one peice of clothing.
I really like the site Katie suggested. I’m in the US & shipping is too high for international shipping.
I search ebay sometimes “adult romper” or “adult baby”.
The shipping may be high, but I think the Privatina stuff is worth it. Even for just everyday wear. Their fleece jammies are great and warm. I also bought the snow suit, and even in zero degree temps, was pretty warm underneath without much else on.
I used to think “that’s just for babies” but then I realized that these clothes have been evolving for decades to make it easier to deal with babies. Little by little I have come to adopt clothes and habits meant for babies. For instance, I absolutely love snappy pants with snaps in the crotch. I’m comfortable wearing them and they are comfortable to wear. And you can’t believe how convenient they are. My two cents.