Unique Wellness Brief Review
I have heard a lot of talk about the Unique Wellness Brief, so I figured I would see what all the fuss was about it. At first, I did receive a bad batch and was [...]
I have heard a lot of talk about the Unique Wellness Brief, so I figured I would see what all the fuss was about it. At first, I did receive a bad batch and was [...]
Ok, so I went into J Crew the other day just browsing and OMG I found the cutest onesie. I tried it on and everything and I wanted it so bad but I could not [...]
I have decided to do a review or comparison of Bambino Diapers and Secure X-Plus diapers. Many people think they are the exact same diaper when in fact both have their own uniqueness and qualities [...]
Obviously, wearing diapers all day, everyday, one is bound to lose the "specialness" in wearing a diaper and all the joy it can bring. That is wear new and exciting things come into play to [...]
So, I will make a longer post later but I wanted to share a video that I came across that is really funny on how to change an adult diaper. It is part serious but [...]
I know I do not post much in regards to this topic but I wanted to shed some light on a topic/dilemma that is sometimes even hard for me just in terms of the work [...]
Secure X-Plus diapers are made by the company Secure Personal Care (http://www.securepersonalcare.com). They make several "levels" of diapers, three actually, ranging from their premium level diaper all the way to their most absorbent diaper, the [...]
So, I know I have been a little inconsistent with posting and I do apologize to those who follow my blog closely. I promise I am making an effort and will make a harder effort [...]
So, as people can see I have once again changed my blog design due to some people informing me of browser viewing issues with my previous design. I like this design better as it is [...]
There are a lot of things I do enjoy about wearing diapers but of course there are those things that I would say are "icky" feelings. One of those that just happens to be waking [...]