Adrian Surley

About Adrian Surley

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So far Adrian Surley has created 598 blog entries.

Interesting Incontinence Article

I came across this incontinence article that I found interesting that really envelopes the prominence of incontinence in the world: Its a well written article basically discussing incontinence and how people should be more [...]

First Post in A While

So, I am finally back and this will be my first post back after my family issue thingy.  Sorry everyone - I just have been so crazy busy and tied up with things that posting [...]

Sorry Everyone

Sorry everyone I have not forgotten to post - I am dealing with some personal/family problems and have just been really out of it the last week.  Truly sorry and I hope to continue my [...]

Wearing Diapers During Exercise

Exercise is an important part of maintaining good physical and mental health.  For people with incontinence or that wear diapers for any other purpose should be able to exercise while still wearing protection.  I am [...]

My Healthy Eating Update

I know I mentioned a while back that I have been trying to eat healthier and it has been going pretty good for the most part.  During the week is easy to eat healthy because [...]

To The ABDL Community

I am only going to address this once as I feel it needs some addressing.  First, I will start off by saying that this blog is for ME.  It is a way that I have [...]

Where Did the Weekend Go?

Gosh, the weekends go so fast.  My weeks drag by and then finally it is the weekend and I feel like it just goes by so quickly and before I know it, its Monday again.  [...]

The Adult Baby and Diaper Lover Reality

Adult babies and diaper lovers have always been faced with a stigma from the general public because of the relationship between diapers and babies.  People automatically associate that because a grown adult enjoys wearing diapers [...]

Support Me

As some of you have already been able to tell there are a few advertisements on my site that are hopefully not to obtrusive. If any of you have a better suggestion for where the [...]

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