Adrian Surley

About Adrian Surley

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So far Adrian Surley has created 598 blog entries.

Diapered in the Kitchen

While I do not think this is my most flattering picture, I will post it anyways.  This photo was taken in our kitchen before going out to see a movie.  Rockin the white know [...]

Adult Diapers and Tax Free Holiday

This weekend (Friday - Sunday) if you live in the United States is tax-free weekend.  If you live in certain states then you are entitled to tax free on certain items.  Here is the complete [...]

Bambino Diapers New Modifications

Apparently Bambino Diapers has modified their Bambino Bianco diaper and made it completely white and softer!  I have heard from several people about this.  Instead of the blue waistband, they have changed it to white [...]

Adult Baby Symbol Update

Overall, the response is what I expected.  You have a lot of people who like it and would get involved with it and then you have the people who say it is too obvious.  It [...]

Possible Official Adult Baby Symbol

I have been attempting to find a logo that can represent the ABDL community that will be adopted by them and accepted.  I think I may have found one.  A fellow ABDL friend and myself [...]

Create A Baby

I was introduced to this neat little program on Luvs' website that allows you to "Create A Baby" so I designed a cute baby modeled off of me of course!  Well, I added the glasses [...]

Final New Blog Look

Ok everyone, this is my final new blog design. I promise! I know I am probably driving everyone crazy with my new designs - I just really strive for perfection. But, this is a turning [...]

Peter Modeling Diapers

I know this probably isn't as good as me modeling diapers but like I said I do enjoy taking photos and however poor I am at photography - I still like taking pictures.  So check [...]

Bambino Quadro Booster Review

The Bambino Quadro Booster is Bambino's premier booster made specifically to fit their Bambino Diapers.  Though it will fit into most adult diapers, it was designed to lay perfectly within the Bambino Diaper seat area [...]

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