How to Tell When Your Diaper Is About to Leak
There are lots of reasons to push a diaper's capacity to the limit, ranging from economy (go through less per day) to necessity (no more changes available) to plain old personable preference (some people just like that warm squishy feeling). Past that limit, however, lies trouble, or at the very least embarrassing wet spots on the back of the pants/skirt! [...]
Being Brave and Wearing Diapers at the Beach
For those of you that live near a beach or enjoy going to a beach and that wear diapers know that wearing a diaper out on the beach is the ultimate act of bravery if you have never done it before. It can be an experience to remember if you can muster up the courage and bravery to step out [...]
Diaper Bags for Adults: How Do You Carry Your Diaper Changes?
A really good diaper can last most people a good chunk of the day -- but not all day. Even the best are going to leak eventually, and there's always the possibility of a minor tape mishap, an unexpected rip in the plastic, or other basic mechanical failures. So, most regular diaper-wearers have learned to carry a change or two with them. [...]
The First Diaper of the Day
I love waking up diapered. I wear at night by choice -- in theory, I could "make it" without too much effort, and even when my control is really bad I wouldn't need more than a pullup to catch the first few leaks before I caught myself and went to the toilet. But I've come to love the both the [...]
7 Everyday Situations Where It’s Awesome to Be Diapered
Since I started writing for Adrian's website a lot of my posts have focused on specific challenges of diapered life -- how to travel while diapered, how to deal with telling people about your diapers, and so on. Lest that start to make things sound like a burden, let's be clear: I think diapers are awesome, and I'm happy I use [...]
Bambino Diapers Boost-Ups
So, I got in a bunch of Bambino Diapers new Boost Ups that allow you to basically "boost up" the absorbency of any diaper that you are using. I took a few photos of how I setup my diapers with the Boost Ups and what it looks like. The pictures below are of Bambino Teddy Diapers with a Boost Up [...]