Blog Medium Image

Blog Medium Image2012-08-08T02:54:23+00:00

Diapers in the Mainstream: Non-Fetishized Diaper Appearances

The bulk (heh) of online adult diaper content has a fetishized slant. Whether it's playing up the AB costume aspect or not, you're mostly talking about photos and videos meant to titillate. And there's nothing wrong with that -- diapers can be sexy, and people having fun with that is a good thing. But it always makes me excited when [...]

By |June 5th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|3 Comments

Dealing with Diapers in the Heat

Well, its getting hot outside around where I am from and that means sticky and sweaty feelings are coming now. Diapers can be sometimes a big pain to deal with when it is 90 degrees outside and you are already hot. There are things you can do to curb having to deal with a sweaty diaper every time you go [...]

By |June 1st, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|5 Comments

Showing Your Diaper in Public: How Much is Too Much?

When I write about diapers, it's often in the context of wearing them in public. That's partly because I'm a fashion writer by trade (well, one of my trades; you can get paid to write about anything, these days). Working unusual accents or specific needs into different wardrobes comes naturally to me. But there's also a bit of a normalizing [...]

By |May 29th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|9 Comments

The Well-Stocked Diaper Drawer

Not all diapers are created equal. There are different brands, of course, some of which are very good and some of which are almost useless. Adrian has some reviews on the site already, and I'm sure more of those will be forthcoming. But there are also different kinds of diaper, designed to serve different purposes. Depending on your needs, you [...]

By |May 22nd, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|4 Comments

Great Support and A Thank You

So far, the support has been great for the new Premium Content section that I added just yesterday. I have gotten A LOT of positive feedback. I want to thank everyone who has contacted me and gave me such positive comments and everything - it means a lot. I just updated the photos today with a couple more photos. Like I [...]

By |May 21st, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|1 Comment
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