Supporting the ABDL Companies
The ABDL community definitely only has a few companies out there that exclusively tailor their products to the community. I could probably count the number of ABDL companies on 2 hands that are actually legitimate...and that would probably be fairly difficult. Off the top of my head I can think of Bambino Diapers, ABUniverse, CosynDry, and then it starts to [...]
Your Beautiful – Diapered or Not
There has been a lot of negativity lately in the world and I see it every day with people lacking confidence and feeling down on themselves. I have talked with several people in the adult baby and diaper lover world and over time have noticed a trend of people being very down on themselves and judging themselves for having/wanting to [...]
Enjoying Christmas Time Diapered
I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas time - I have been super busy. Lots going on including some sad news of losing a family member recently but I have been trying to keep an upbeat attitude from here on out. I was definitely in a mild depression for a few days but I am a big believer in we [...]
Abena X-Plus Going to Cloth?
I have heard from multiple sources now and random grumblings that Abena is looking to switch their Abena X-Plus to cloth diapers...multiple people have emailed me telling me this and I have heard it myself from a few other sources. Not sure the validity of it but this would be a big hit to the premium adult diaper selection for [...]
New Bambino Diaper Review
I received my New Bambino Diapers last week and I have had a good chance to look at them and test them out fully before doing this review. I wanted to do a complete and thorough review of this diaper since there seems to be a lot of misnomers and falsehoods out there. So, here we go. The New Bambino [...]
Bambino’s New Diaper
As I am sure many of you have heard - Bambino is releasing a new diaper and they are allowing us to name it. I think that is really exciting that we get to put our own input into the naming of a diaper. I also will admit the rewards/prizes for the people who win the naming contest is awesome. [...]