The ABDL Message and Outside View
The ABDL world is a complicated one and consists of people from all walks of life. Everyone from doctors, lawyers, construction workers, teachers, and the list goes on and on. I for one look at the adult baby and diaper lover world as an extremely unique community that is completely different than any other community. There is not really a [...]
Exercise, Cooking, and Adult Diapers
I got back from exercising today and doing a little bit of yoga so by the time I got home I was absolutely starving. I headed straight for the kitchen and started making dinner...Peter took this photo of me in my yoga shorts cooking dinner. Don't mind my huge thighs - working on that! [kml_flashembed publishmethod="static" fversion="8.0.0" movie="/wp-content/uploads/flashim/adrian-butt.swf" width="500" height="400" [...]
Diapered in the Snow
So, we finally got some snow in North Carolina. We never get snow in the central part of North Carolina, it can be so frustrating. I love snow so we went and built a snow man and took a walk. It was fun. It was nice because we both love just being outside so being outside in the snow was [...]
Wearing Diapers to the Gym
So, I recently joined a local gym and I am trying to make it a habit to go almost everyday. After work, I always head straight to the gym so I don't have an excuse not to go if I go home first. So, typically by the end of the day my Bambino Diaper is soaked and I end up [...]
Secure Plus Diaper Review
The Secure Plus diaper is a diaper put out by Secure Personal Care and is probably one of the best mid-level adult diapers on the market. Plus, the all new Secure Plus diaper has a super cute design on the front of it that I absolutely love. I will show the photos first before I get into my review of [...]
New Outlook and Promise
With the New Year and finally a cleaner blog design that I can be satisfied with - I have made a New Years resolution to post everyday at least something on this blog. Some days the posts will be really good and some days they may just me minor updates and happenings but I want to bring this blog back [...]