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Blog Medium Image2012-08-08T02:54:23+00:00

The Truth About Wearing Diapers to the Doctor’s Office

The epitome of wearing diapers out in public for some is wearing diapers to the doctor's office. To many it is a controlled environment where non-judgment is suppose to take place and a person is suppose to feel safe. The doctor's office is a "rush" for many diaper lovers and adult babies for wearing diapers out in public. The doctor [...]

By |November 29th, 2015|Categories: Diapers in Public|31 Comments

The True Benefits of Wearing Adult Diapers

The true benefits of wearing adult diapers are hard to explain and can truly only be realized by actually experiencing wearing a diaper. Not many people can remember the feeling as a child when they use to wear diapers so being able to describe the true feeling of diapers is one of those hard to explain things. It is a [...]

By |August 21st, 2015|Categories: ABDL|63 Comments

Can Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers Exist in the Real World

Adult babies and diaper lovers are a bigger crowd than most people can appreciate. We number probably in the 10's of thousands if not close to hundreds of thousands if you included those that do not actually "classify" themselves as such but enjoy a diaper or being an adult baby. But, the question is that can a modern day adult [...]

By |July 26th, 2015|Categories: Diapers in Public|23 Comments

The Need for Public Diaper Awareness

So, with the latest news on Bruce Jenner coming out as a transgender and how much of the public and media are trying to harmonize it and basically promote acceptability of it; I got to thinking about the ABDL's public image. At the moment, I don't think much has changed from year's past. The ABDL community I feel has a [...]

By |April 27th, 2015|Categories: Diapers in Public|51 Comments
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