Diapers – A Part of Life – Enjoy!
Diapers for me are a part of life. I am incontinent and have grown up my whole life wearing diapers. From just a baby I have never known anything different. So, when people asks me what its like to wear diapers its honestly a very loaded answer and complicated. On one hand its "second-nature" wearing diapers for me because I [...]
I have recently joined Twitter and in a way it is kind of addicting but I find myself almost forgetting sometimes to use it. Like, its almost like a lifestyle if you really want to take full advantage of Twitter. The whole point of Twitter is to help others keep up with what you are doing and your status which [...]
Reposted Dressing Room Diaper Photo
For those who have requested to see the dressing room diaper photo - I reposted it below. If you want to criticize or analyze the photo to somehow disprove what I am saying then fine. Your choice. I just would appreciate people not contacting me and making fun of my figure otherwise photos may not be posted at all if [...]
Healthy Food for a “Healthy” Diaper
Haha I love the title of this blog post...honestly, I just came up with it off the top of my head. For those who don't know what I mean when I say "Healthy" in quotes I mean bowel movements and wetting your diaper. This has been an age old question for some people that want to be able to use [...]
Pant Selections for Diapers
I have gotten many questions on what I wear, specifically pants, with diapers. This can be somewhat tricky depending on the type of clothing you are into. I am into fairly typical clothing meaning a nice pair of jeans maybe paired with a cardigan, tank top or t-shirt. When wearing a diaper I don't typically pay too much attention to [...]
Dressing Room in Diapers
I know I haven't been able to post lately but I have been dealing with a few family issues so I have been really busy but everything is back to normal so expect a lot more posts. So, anyways I would like to start off my latest post with a little story of an outing I had with one of [...]