New Look!
So seriously this day has been longer than anything! Peter and I took the dogs out after work around at a park a couple miles from our home and wow that was interesting. We got there and not only did they go crazy but they decided they wanted to go for a swim and ended up dragging me in with [...]
Dinner Party Disaster
Whew! Today was so so so long! I just got back with Peter from a dinner function with his work. We usually don't go to things like that just because we aren't real "buddy buddy" wish the people there but we felt like we should since he just recently got a promotion. Halfway through the dinner I started feeling sick [...]
Just wanted to share something with you all that I have been working on! It's a new blog site and we are very excited about it! There are three of us: Mandi, Shupe, and I are all coming together to blog and bring you each something a little different from each of us. i feel that each of us bring [...]
New Onsie 🙂
Well today was a long day! The days at work seem to drag the longer into the week and the closer to the weekend! haha Things have been going good though this week! I feel like I have gotten things accomplished and had an all around good week! Peter and I have been getting to spend more time together this [...]
Reader Questions
There are two questions I am going to address today: The first one asked if I was ever potty trained and how it was in school wearing diapers as I was growing up. I was potty trained when I was little but it never semed to work, by the time I was 6 or so I went to the doctor [...]
Just wanted to post real fast and share with everyone this new site! It is a way to get everyone together in one place and talk and just get people sharing within the community. So many boards that I go to these days are so hateful and people are just mean to one another and it makes me very upset [...]