
Adrian Surley

The Blog

Underwear Over Diapers – Yes or No?

A simple but sometimes vexing question for diaper wearers of all stripes: to wear other underwear over the diaper, beneath the pants/skirt/whatever, or not? Like everything diaper-related, it largely comes down to comfort and personal preference. But there are a few compelling advantages and disadvantages to wearing undies with your [...]

Don’t Listen to the Diaper Shamers

Every once in a while something comes along that makes me glad of spaces like Adrian's webpage all over again. A friend snapped a picture of this Chicago billboard on her morning commute. It's pretty much the worst attitude toward incontinence and adult diapers you could find: The doctor who [...]

The Tragedy of the “Insta-Leak”

You know what's just the worst? When a brand-new, freshly-taped diaper leaks right away. (Okay, okay, "the worst" is hyperbole. We're all aware at this blog that there are greater tragedies in the world than some pee on the seat of your pants.) But it is obnoxious, even the skeptics will [...]

Where Do You Buy Your Diapers?

A question for the readers this week! We're going to do a post soon about different diaper brands, stores, and options, with a look at the prices of all of them. Help us get the broadest sample possible by letting us know, in the comments, where you prefer to shop [...]

Those Doggone Bambino Front Panels

Don't get me wrong, I like the Bambino line of diapers well enough, but at the risk of ABDL apostasy -- what the heck is up with those tough plastic front panels? These guys make a great diaper with thick, absorbent padding and about as soft an exterior as you [...]


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