Life is so much fun diapered!
I had a wonderful night with my sweetheart! We went out to bike riding when we both got off work and then he took me out to dinner! It was great! We came back and [...]
I had a wonderful night with my sweetheart! We went out to bike riding when we both got off work and then he took me out to dinner! It was great! We came back and [...]
Well it is a beautiful day here! in fact if i get off work at a decent hour I think I am going to go out for a bike ride! When you wear your diaper [...]
Thanks to all of you for your comments on the diaper changing table! I don't think peter and i could ever afford something like that but have thought about making something! i know for sure [...]
So i found this which I am sure you all have seen but I just think this is awesome! It has a lot of storage plus a large padded top in order for comfort! i [...]
Here is the link to the boosters that I really like and the ones that i have ordered: They seem to work really well to me in fact I wore one to work this [...]
First, in response to a comment posted I don't have the link with me right now because I am at work but when I get home later and can make sure I have the write [...]
Sorry this is so back from dinner late and I was busy finishing up some stuff for a meeting that I have first thing in the morning, guess you can say I put stuff [...]
This weekend was very much fun! :) peter and I for the most part took it easy! we went out on Friday night which was nice! I tried my new doublers and LOVE LOVE LOVE [...]
Well in a quick response to Babystevie (I think that was you name who made the comment on my last post) yes, checking each other has sometimes led to some very leaky diapers but most [...]
Haha okay so that was a really corny title but I though it was cute :) I'm about to straighten up a little, change Peter, and then jump in the bed and sleep like I [...]