Quick Change
Just home for a quick change because silly me walked out of the house this morning without my diaper bag! I guess I shouldn't have been drinking all that coffee if I didn't have a [...]
Just home for a quick change because silly me walked out of the house this morning without my diaper bag! I guess I shouldn't have been drinking all that coffee if I didn't have a [...]
http://www.diaperconnection.com/pacifier.html Found this and thought it is really cool! I love using pacifiers because they make me feel very very much like a baby and this is cool that instead of having to buy the [...]
Minoring in fashion design I have taken up trying to design universal t-shirts for the ABDL community. I would love for everyone to come to an agreement on what would be an appropriate and neat [...]
Hey everyone...I know my US readers are going to be jealous possibly but incase anyone could actually fit into these or wanted to use these diapers as a doubler - you can get a free [...]
http://www.foreverakid.com/ I was looking around the internet and came across the above site. I was wondering, do any of you think you would wear any of those clothes? I mean I have worn the footy [...]
Hope everyone had a great weekend! Its kinda of a bummer that the week is starting all ready! Seems way too soon! I had a fun weekend but really didn't do too much to talk [...]
Well, I heard what many of you said and it sounds like a lot of people want to see more photos...which I do understand. But, while I do understand and want to please my viewers, [...]
So I was doing some thinking and I have some more thoughts..but the first is more of a question: 1) When IMABDL was created I worked very hard to make sure that everything was perfect [...]
It never ceases to amaze me the type of people that exist in this world. Now, this does not apply to everyone in this community by any means but there are a good majority that [...]
So here is what I was thinking about today. I decided to take a "sick day" from work haha so i was working around my house cleaning and getting organized! Organized all my diapers into [...]