Ok, so I went into J Crew the other day just browsing and OMG I found the cutest onesie. I tried it on and everything and I wanted it so bad but I could not bring myself to pay the $70 for it. It was heartbreaking lol. I could not find this exact one on their website, it was only in stores. I think they actually refer to is as a “union suit” but its a onesie basically. I snapped a photo of myself in it so I can dream about having it. Check out the photo:

Isn’t it cute? Its gotta be the cutest and softest onesie I have ever tried. It wasn’t too thick and wasn’t too thin. It would be perfect because its not heavy and won’t make you sweat which I have a big problem with a lot of the adult footed pajamas. They are always fleece like and make me sweat. I really like the thinner type ones that aren’t so bulky…this one was perfect and it even had a hood – how cool is that? If you look close enough you can see my diaper – tempting huh? LOL – yeh its thin enough to see through. Grrr…just writing this post makes me regret not buying it. Haha well enjoy the picture and if any of you lucky people out there saw it and ended up getting one – I am jealous!.
Wow $70 I can’t blame you for not buying it. That’s a lot for clothing.
These are cute, but not that cute for $70
Should have asked to get that as a Christmas Present
Aww! That looks utterly adorable on you! X3 Even moreso by the faint diaper-shape =)
Not really that pricey considering it’s J Crew. It’s about what a onesie from Jumpin’ Jammerz would cost.
Very cute. You should have bought it!
Great post. I have been missing these types of posts where you have found some relation between the real world and AB world! I love when there is something mainstream that can double up with the fetish that no one would suspect. Something new to look for. Im suspecting that the “union suit” is for girls only though?
That is sooo cute. i would have bought it right then and there but then again im an impulse shopper and that is to adorable to pass up
Looks like something you could buy for half-price in January – keep your eye on it.
you should keep your eye on this. who knows maybe it will be on sale soon. you look cute in it tho! 😀
p.s. i know u blur the face for a reason. but me wants to see ur beautiful face.
I am not an AB but I still think it looks cute – not sure about being white though. …and what’s more for all those doubters still out there it is quite obvious that Adrian is female!!!
Freakin Sweet. Have to check that one out for my self. Target has footed PJ’s Now tooo.
It looks cute on you Adrian. I saw on the J Crew website they have a red jersey knit union suit for $40, but yeah its not your Gator Orange. Still you look cute in it!!
Very cute!
Ahh that is awesome!, that would be so cool to have. I have the same problem with fleece being too warm, I would like cotton or something like that, but $70 is just asking too much for me. I would say keep an eye on it and see if it’s on sale sometime here after Christmas.
One in pink with pastel polka dots would be perfect for me!
I agree with you, I don’t like footed jammies too much either…
That’s literally the most adorable thing I’ve seen in my life. I wanna cry I want it so bad.
Yeah I have to agree. Im sorry you couldnt get it. I would have been more than happy to get it for you.
hey i worked there and own one! i was so excited when i saw it for the first time. i did get mine a couple christmasses ago and i did get it on sale. and at the time they did make them for guys too. but anyway ive always wondered what a girl would look like wearin a union suit with a diaper and now i no lol!
i say you threat yourself once in a while to some more expensive cloths
if you like them allot
but yea i can relate of seing your point of them being abit expensive i am like that sometimes i see stuff but when i see the price and change my mind
but sometimes its always fun to have some more expensive cloths
Those are adorable and fit you well , Lol And the diaper outline just tops the cuteness of the photo
really cute to bad it was so much
I want to go to J Crew now
I want a onesie so damn bad, but I can’t afford any either. I feel your pain.
that looks more like a sleeper to me. onesie to me would have no legs and snap in the crotch.
i am catholic and there were three teen girls,ages 15 and 16 who were just baptized by immersion last sunday and all three girls had a white,teen size onesie on with a cloth diaper and plastic pants on under it that they wore into the tank.the diaper and plastic pants were white and were sticking out from under their onesies.