While I do not think this is my most flattering picture, I will post it anyways. This photo was taken in our kitchen before going out to see a movie. Rockin the white jeans…you know you like them lol. Anyways here it is.

I hope everyone likes the photo even though its not my most flattering. But, at least it gives you an idea of what a diaper looks like typically on me when I am going out. The diaper usually sticks out a little less than this but these jeans are really tight and a little low rise in my opinion so yeh. For you girls, the jeans are from the Levi Store. They are the hotness. I know they aren’t the most flattering but it was wash day and they aren’t that bad depending on what you pair them with. Anyways, I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and enjoys themselves. Wearing a diaper and t-shirt while cooking…try it…exhilarating. It also helps keep you cool too wearing no pants and just a diaper when working around a hot stove..
Just a small added caution, Diapers are flammable! XD so make sure to play it safe when cooking diapered!
Stop being so modest, your body’s way above average in “good looks”. Idk what you’re complaining about 😛
Hope you enjoyed your movie 😉
I too cook in just my diaper and usually a t-shirt- it just feels so homey, comfortable. And yeah, one has to be careful of the heat or splashing something on ones legs!
Lookin’ good Adrian! But, then again, you always do. <3
i agree with with ryan, i have yet to see a picture where you dont look good in. your a very attractive girl. as for cookng in just a diaper ive wanted to do that but iam always to worried that someone will look into my windows and see me. and for some reason that scares me.
Hi Adrian, I am a pretty long-time reader of your blog (more than 6 months, if I calculated right), and I just thought to ask you this question: you said you did not like being in diapers at first, when you were younger. How did you deal with that in school? Little kids can be mean, and middle school can be bad, also. If you don’t mind answering sometime, that would be great. Thanks!
Oh, and you have a beautiful figure no matter what you’re wearing, just in case you didn’t know! 🙂 I’m very jealous.
hi adrain. nice picture. been reading your site for about a month now and it rocks. my fiance has just started wearing nappies with me and on saterday night she was also wearing white jeans like you were. i got a bit of a shock when i saw the pic coz for a mo i thought you were her.
your lookin good and love your sight.
thats a cute pic 🙂 and your right cooking in a diaper and a tee is fun 🙂
Second hottest diaper pic ever! 😉
Great picture Adrian!
Can the top of your diaper be frequently seen by others, or is it usually covered by your shirt or blouse, so that it’s only visible only if you were to reach up or bend over, etc.?
And being diapered in the kitchen is great, along with the living room, outside, in a car, on a boat, in a plane, and just about anywhere!
so does he change you all the time even when you poo to do you pee on him some times when he opens your diaper?
Gary, Come on that Q’s abit out of order
You’re always so modest and humble. In every picture I’ve seen you look very cute to me.
Soo Cute… Have to agree with Todd. You are a Amazing person to read about. I really wish i could do something like this for the Community.
i think you have a great body.
dont worry im not hitting on you im just stateing a fact
those jeans with the diapers is indeed hotness!
You look great in this picture!
Hey Adrian, I’m sure you’ve addressed this before, but it’s really been bugging me. I’ve been reading your blog off and on for about a year now, and from what I can tell, you’re a normal, down to earth, DL who’s come to terms with a bad thing and made it her own. So why the heck are there so many haters out there? Why do people not believe you’re real when you’ve posted picture after picture? I really don’t get it… I’m just looking for an answer of some kind, because I’m not seeing the problem.
I’d like to say something about the picture but… I’m blind and can’t see it. Sorry, that just seems so funny for some reason. Roses are red, violets are blue. I’ve got a tile loose, and a couple screws too! If anyone sees a bunch of marbles lying around anywhere, they’re probably mine.
please dont take this the wrong way but are the jeans backwards?
simply gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adrian I agree with the cooking in a diaper and t-shirt I do it often. My wife says that it gives new meaning to the pampered chef.