With all the changes lately in my life I am trying to get into a daily routine. As some of you may know I like to go to the gym a lot and workout. With my new job and responsibilities it has been really making my routine hectic. I like order and organization. So, having to deal with working out at different times and packing bags last minute to take to the gym has been a real pain in the butt.
My favorite time to workout is early morning. Typically, I wake up early like 5am – get my diaper changed if it needs changing and head to the gym which opens at 5:30. I usually pack my gym bag the night before with 2 fresh diapers, 1 diaper that will be changed into after I workout and shower at the gym and then obviously a new diaper for later on in the day if I have an accident. I usually use a thinner diaper at the gym like Bambino Teddy or Tena Slip Maxi as they are not as thick as an Abena or Bambino Bellissimo. While they are both still thick and padded and offer amazing protection – they are not the thickest and they allow pretty good mobility whether I am running, spinning or just lifting weights. I have done yoga and the diaper doesn’t give me any problems. I have only done cross-fit a couple times but not a huge fan.
Anyways, like I said I like routine. Getting up out of bed early in the morning is not easy but it makes me feel refreshed after I workout. There is nothing like the “endorphin high” after working out, taking a fresh shower and getting in a fresh cool diaper and putting on clean clothes before going off to work.
There have been times over the past several months that have thrown wrenches into my workout plans and routine and I can definitely tell I am grumpier through out the day.
I like working out with my friends too early in the mornings, which is when they go, because they know about the diapers and its just a comfort thing for me. Going to workout at odd hours where I don’t know as many people is not as much fun, don’t have the same energy level, and its not as comforting without the people I know around me either. One of the friends I have known for a long time and she really has been there for me through it all. We are very close. So, its always nice working out with people like that – plus it makes the workout easier and time go by a bit quicker.
Anyways, should hopefully be posting and updating more now schedule has calmed down. Trying to figure out a way to upload videos into the member only section too. When I figure it out – will let everyone know!
Glad to see your back and doing well! 🙂
keep up with the workouts sweety nice to hear your doing good..
hang in there, Adrian. I quit smoking last Oct. and have gained 35 Lbs because of it! I will be pushing my lawn mower and sweating that weight off. At least the destructive smoking is behind me now. I live real close to the Little Miami Bike Trail and have a new Schwin bike. There’s another way for you to ease into working out!
May God Bless you, and don’t just give up! Craig Rootcdr21x40@aol.com
Welcome back, Adrian. I hope things are well with you.
So sorry to hear about you not getting that time with friends
I can understand how having a hectic schedule can mess up time with friends and working out at the gym. Since becoming a general manager been working constantly with very little time to myself. Glad to see your doing well Adrian!:)
Glad to see a new blog post! As for the workout routine, can you get a locker at your gym? It’d be a good place to just keep a whole pack of diapers and changing supplies.
YoU go girl, in more ways than one! Be nice to have you back more frequently, creating some more scintillating blogs.
I’m glad heard u back. Sound like u doing well. Good luck.
While I really prefer wearing disposables when in public (and at home for that matter), using a cloth diaper during workouts is so much more comfortable. Sweat is absorbed instead of creating itchy spots. if anyone is interested, I have some recommendations for inexpensive cloth diapers that fill the bill.
And where do you get the cloth diapers? Are they pull up, pin up, or hook and loop?
Honestly, I use pocket diapers. It took me a while to learn to launder them properly. Not too much soap and not too little. Rinse them out as soon as you change them. Aliexpress has some great deals. http://www.aliexpress.com/snapshot/6777334364.html
I’d wear cloth diapers if I had someone to help with them.
Thanks…. However, I can’t tell what the mewp_ements are on the sizes; also what is the method of fastening?
Yes I agree, the others(flat and or prefold) would be great if you have someone to help you.
I tend to agree. When I’m out and about, I usually wear disposable diapers. But at home, I usually wear cloth diapers, both the pin-on and pull-on style, and plastic pants.
Where would you recommend, acquiring these cloth diapers? The pin on kind; how much trouble are they to put on.
I know someone who buys cloth diapers. Unfortunately, I don’t know where to go for cloth diapers.
Welcome back Adrian. Glad to have you back blogging. I have missed your positive influence in the ABDL community. Go Gators!
I’ve been as you know wearing diapers since 2010, and wear them to the gym as well as to work and have never been asked why do you wear nappies?,
I occasionally get babies in pushchairs looking at me or something along those lines, but never have had any embarrassing moments where I’ve had to justify myself to others other than last year when some yob noticed but other than that none.
I did have to stand up to a bully that was teasing a wheelchair user as you know that happened earlier this year, but other than that the only people who know I wear diapers are those I choose to tell and I try to keep this fact under strict discression at home or whilst I am out and about in town because of the implications should other people find out about my secrets or habits.
I don’t like keeping secrets but what can you do?, If I was to come clean to everybody about my reason’s for wearing diapers virtually 24/7 then I fear I would be made to feel like a fool and a parayah in society and this is what I don’t want to happen as I don’t like being in confrontations of kind.
I wear tena slip (super) diapers because they offer me with protection and comfort and this is as specially important to me because I don’t want to have any embarrassing accidents or have to explain why do I still wet my bed at night when I have an on sweet bathroom next to where I sleep but the truth is although its there it may as well be a mile away because when I sleep I tend to be in a state of deep slumber and can’t always predict what my body will do and this can lead to embarrassment or worse health problems caused by lack of control.
I wear my diapers because I have a weak bladder and also suffer from minor neurological dammage due to experiencing childhood epilepsy which fortunately I don’t have anymore but left me with some degree of need to wear diapers and ever since being diagnosed in 2010, I have chosen to wear them for this reason and I can’t see why this is a problem or a big issue mind the pun.
I also believe my body is finally trying to show me I should never have been taken out of diapers in thre first place as I was potty trained too early in my childhood and this has also contributed to my present day problems with my health, I wear diapers also for comfort so the reasons aren’t all physiological bit also pycalogical in nature and I do feel wearing them has improved my life as per my other stories on this website.
I know this reply is a virtual clone of the ones I have posted earlier but these are just my way of airing out my fears and frustrations with my current situation and if I didn’t vent like this I would probebly go crazy as I have in the past when I had a complete pycalogical melt down in 2003 because of stress levels at work mostly from bullying.
But that’s another story and I will probably keep that one quiet for obvious reasons but that’s not to say I am a nutcase or anything so negitive but I feel that reaching out like this to people who understands what I am going through helps me heal old wounds and become more positive in my life.
Any way these are just a few of my thoughts and I may at some point try and get professional councilling for them but that’s in the future should I ever be near the breaking point again so to speak.
I tried on other websites to air my thoughts out but all I got was more bullying and ridicule and that’s why I had to stop using them and look elsewhere and that’s when I found this wonderfull website, Thank You Adrian for posting a website where I can feel safe with posting my stories and not have to suffer from internet bullying.
Yours sincerely Kwan Ming.
Sunday 8/8/2015.
These are all good reads for myself I have wore diapers since I was 10 I’m now 50 it has become my life n one that I’m proud of now for years I thought that there were no others like me felt ashamed but now a site like this is what I needed all along thanx Adrian and all you others like myself what a relief your posts comments are awesome I have no medical issues but sry for those who do I like wearing disposable diapers pampers n luvs it is a comfort during day n all night keep up all the comments