A Day in the Diapered Life of Adrian Surley
Good morning lovelies! Hope everyone has some fun plans for the upcoming holiday (my fellow Americans) and everyone else I hope you have something fun planned for the weekend. I've seen some of these "day [...]
Misconceptions of the ABDL Community
Let's talk a little bit about misconceptions of the ABDL community. Unfortunately, many outside of our wonderful diapered world have too many misconceptions about what exactly our world involves. I wish I could just write [...]
Wearing Diapers at Work
One of the most common questions I get is how I wear diapers to work. As you all know, I work in a professional environment so it is important that I be discreet but also [...]
Adrian’s Back and (of course) Still Diapered
Hi lovlies! I apologize for going a little M.I.A. on everyone for a while. I've been meaning to come back and write again several times over the last few months but so much kept getting [...]
The Adult Baby Reality
Deep down in most people there is a part of them that wants to regress to a small part of living the life of a baby. Whether it is the care-free lifestyle, the simple life, [...]
Wearing Adult Diapers at the Beach Publicly
I am back everyone. And, I wanted to start my come back off with a topic that many people find fairly controversial or risky. Wearing diapers at the beach. Wearing an adult diaper at the [...]
Meeting Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers
Do you long for meeting adult babies and diaper lovers and others with similar interest in the community? If you are like most people in the ABDL world then you strive for that connection to [...]
Why Adult Diapers Will Change Your Life
Adult diapers to many are a sign of weakness. To me, they are a sign of strength and confidence. If you are reading this and have never tried wearing adult diapers than I want to [...]
The Truth About Wearing Diapers to the Doctor’s Office
The epitome of wearing diapers out in public for some is wearing diapers to the doctor's office. To many it is a controlled environment where non-judgment is suppose to take place and a person is [...]
Loving the Snuggies Adult Diapers
Snuggies diapers have been around a while but I have sort of been delayed in getting around to trying them. I thought they always looked cute but never got to try them. So, I made [...]