

My New Blog Design

By |July 10th, 2009|Categories: Uncategorized|

Welcome to my new blog design - it is still a work in progress but I didn't want to keep it down for too long. Still adding some graphics, tweaks here and there, etc. I [...]

Vacation Was Great

By |July 8th, 2009|Categories: Uncategorized|

So, I know it has been a little bit since my last post but I was on about a week long vacation that was much needed. We went to Sunset Beach and it was beautiful [...]

Beauty of Bambino Diapers

By |June 19th, 2009|Categories: Uncategorized|

So many of you may not know that I am an "amateur" (keyword there) photographer.  Trying to learn how to take nice photos and all that jazz!  Anyways, I was reading my photography book and [...]

My Incontinence and Diapers

By |June 15th, 2009|Categories: Uncategorized|

My incontinence is not caused by a formal disease but rather it is caused by congenital birth defect.  Internal structures in my body were not fully formed and that is what causes my incontinence.  There [...]

My Photos

By |June 9th, 2009|Categories: Uncategorized|

While I do enjoy sharing my photos and I do understand some of the risks with that - I was hoping that people would appreciate the reason why I copyright and do not want my [...]

Diapers at Work

By |May 20th, 2009|Categories: Uncategorized|

Since I am sitting at work right now I figured I would blog about what it's like wearing a diaper at work while I am actually doing it. Well, I must say it's very comforting [...]

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