I Heart Diapers Live Chatroom
Hey everyone - I have added a live chatroom for I Heart Diapers. I will leave it up as long as it is kept clean and is used. I don't want to find out its [...]
Peter’s Blog
Well, everyone Peter has got his blog up and running. Granted, it only has one post on it but he just started. He will probably update his blog pretty often because he is better at [...]
Satisfaction of a Messy Diaper
I have been meaning to write about this topic for some time now but never got around to it because I always thought of something else or had something else to write. But, first off, [...]
Peter is Starting a New Blog
So, big news for everyone today - Peter is officially starting a new blog. He even bought a domain name for it and everything so once he gets it setup and somewhat up and running [...]
Keys to the Mental Aspect of Wearing Diapers in Public
Wearing a diaper in public can truly be a terrifying and stressful situation at first. I know because I was forced to get used to it from a young age. Let me tell you that [...]
My Monthly Cost for Adult Diapers
Someone asked a question about roughly how much do I spend a month on diapers. That is actually a really good question. I truly had to sit there and think about exactly what I buy [...]
Question for my Readers
So, I had a quick question and I will leave it completely up to my readers and visitors. I was thinking about putting 1 or 2 Adsense ads on my blog that are non-obtrusive to [...]
The United States ABDL Community
I have been asked by many people outside the United States what the ABDL community is like here. To be honest, I have never truly participated in an ABDL 'meeting' or anything of that sort. [...]
How I Put My Diaper On
So, I get a lot of questions on how exactly I go about putting my diaper on and I see a lot of posts on message boards on the best way to put a diaper [...]
My Readers Have Spoken
So, my readers have spoken and it looks to be a consensus on what will make my blog better overall. I have received many suggestions so far but the biggest one seems to be to [...]