The True Benefits of Wearing Adult Diapers
The true benefits of wearing adult diapers are hard to explain and can truly only be realized by actually experiencing wearing a diaper. Not many people can remember the feeling as a child when they [...]
Can Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers Exist in the Real World
Adult babies and diaper lovers are a bigger crowd than most people can appreciate. We number probably in the 10's of thousands if not close to hundreds of thousands if you included those that do [...]
The Need for Public Diaper Awareness
So, with the latest news on Bruce Jenner coming out as a transgender and how much of the public and media are trying to harmonize it and basically promote acceptability of it; I got to [...]
Getting Into a Routine and Working Out in Diapers
With all the changes lately in my life I am trying to get into a daily routine. As some of you may know I like to go to the gym a lot and workout. With [...]
Update On My Situation – Adrian Surley
So, I know many have been wondering exactly what happened with me and my posting. Well, unfortunately I have been in the midst of a bit of a tricky situation financially and with my family. [...]
The New Bambino Bellissimo Diaper (2014)
Diapers come in model years now, who knew? No, just kidding. Bambino Diapers are not actually calling their upgraded Bellissimo the "Bellissimo 2014." (It sounds sporty, though, doesn't it? Like an Italian race car or [...]
The Vintage Diaper Craze
Maybe I'm just not enough of a hipster, but the craze for authentic-looking reproductions of "vintage" baby diapers has left me out in the cold. It was the ABU Super Dry Kids diaper that drew [...]
Moving is Finally Done – New Diaper Photos
Hey everyone - so moving is finally done. We are still getting our place setup and what not but all the major moving has been done and I must say working in the southern heat [...]
Almost There Everyone
Just a status update everyone - I am almost done moving and will have my computer setup shortly with all my photos so I have access to uploading new photos to upload. I am currently [...]
Playground Photo and Diapers
So, everyone will have to excuse me lately as moving has been crazy. But, its going along nicely with no complications thus far. I wanted everyone to know that I haven't forgotten about posting or [...]