Diaper Changing Table?
So I just thought I would rant about something real quick. On our time out last night Peter and I just went around to different stores mostly to just get out and get away! anyways..we [...]
Evening Out
So I am really excited right now! peter just called me at work and told me that he wanted to take me out tonight! We have had so much going on that we really haven't [...]
Cute Cloth Diaper Pattern
http://www.angelfluff.com/nfprefoldedPRINTS.htm Okay so I tried to just copy and paste the picture into this post but it turned out so big that it took up the entire window..so i decided just to post the link [...]
Finished the cleaning!
Welp I think i finally finished all the cleaning 🙂 or at least as much as Peter would let me do on this beautiful Sunday! Peter says that we need to do something more productive [...]
Sunday Can Be Boring
Sorry everyone for not posting yesterday I was gone the whole day with family related matters and was not around a computer to post. I rarely see my family so it rarely happens but yeh...So, [...]
Diaper Change Organizer
I was browsing around and I saw this and thought how awesome it is! In my house I have a room that we pretty much devote to using to storing and changing diapers! It helps [...]
Night Night Time
Once I go and get my diaper changed by Peter it is time for me to get some sleep! Got a lot of cleaning done tonight while Peter was out at a dinner meeting! It [...]
It happens to be a beautiful day today!! So i can tell you what I am doing when I get off work! Putting on my bathing suit top and sunbathing in my backyard in my [...]
Fun Changing Times
This may sound weird but I had a fun time changing myself today at work! We had a bunch of meetings this week so I was extra busy and couldn't find much time to change [...]
Telling Others
I was thinking today after many of your questions and comments how many people actually tell others and the ones that they care about, about their love of diapers. I have told those who were [...]