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How Adult Diapers Can Help You Live a Better Life
How possibly could an adult diaper help you to live a better life you ask? You are probably dumbfounded by this statement or maybe your not. Oh, but let me show you the ways. Adult [...]
My Part Time Job and Wearing Diapers
The economy is rough now-a-days and even Adrian Surley is not immune to it. If you have followed my blog long enough you may know that I lost my job a while back. I use [...]
Accepting Your Inner Diaper Lover Side
The diaper lover side of people is unique and comes in different forms. The biggest problem most "pre" adult baby and diaper lovers have, especially at a young age, is coming to terms with their [...]
Living in a Close Minded Society
Society, more specifically the United States, I find is very close minded and not open to much being different. I have heard that outside the United States - people are more accepting of being different [...]