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Adult Diapers and the International Markets that Love Them
Adult diapers are catching on -- in Western Europe, at any rate. In Western Europe, adult diapers and their many brands are booming and sales are through the roof. Whether this huge boom is due [...]
Adult Diaper Reviews: Your Mileage May Vary!
We're going to be getting into some adult diaper reviews pretty soon here, and I thought it was important to start with a caveat: your mileage may vary! There are very few absolutes when talking about [...]
Diapered New Year’s Resolutions
Better late than never, right? This will be my second year guest-blogging on Adrian's wonderful website (the anniversary is coming up in April or May some time, I think), so a few resolutions geared toward [...]
What is Next for Bambino Diapers?
Bambino Diapers is probably the best adult baby and diaper lover diaper maker on the market right now as far as performance, comfort, price, privacy, and appearance goes. Some people will argue there are a couple [...]