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7 Everyday Situations Where It’s Awesome to Be Diapered
Since I started writing for Adrian's website a lot of my posts have focused on specific challenges of diapered life -- how to travel while diapered, how to deal with telling people about your diapers, and [...]
Bambino Diapers Boost-Ups
So, I got in a bunch of Bambino Diapers new Boost Ups that allow you to basically "boost up" the absorbency of any diaper that you are using. I took a few photos of how [...]
Diaper Trivia: Etymology of “Diaper” and “Nappy”
It's an odd bit of cultural imperialism that Anglophone diaper fetishists of all nationalities have accepted the acronym "DL" acronym, for "diaper lover" -- odd, that is, because the use of the word "diaper" to [...]
Status and Family Gathering
Just wanted to let everyone know I am out of town and doing a huge family gathering so that is why I have been unavailable these past few days and what not. Expect a huge [...]