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Diapers in the Mainstream: Non-Fetishized Diaper Appearances
The bulk (heh) of online adult diaper content has a fetishized slant. Whether it's playing up the AB costume aspect or not, you're mostly talking about photos and videos meant to titillate. And there's nothing [...]
Dealing with Diapers in the Heat
Well, its getting hot outside around where I am from and that means sticky and sweaty feelings are coming now. Diapers can be sometimes a big pain to deal with when it is 90 degrees [...]
Showing Your Diaper in Public: How Much is Too Much?
When I write about diapers, it's often in the context of wearing them in public. That's partly because I'm a fashion writer by trade (well, one of my trades; you can get paid to write [...]
Memorial Day Plans, Diaper Fun and New Diaper Photos
I hope everyone is having a good Memorial Day Weekend and has been able to relax a bit. Where I live the weather has been absolutely beautiful. It could be a little warmer but its [...]