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What’s This Diaper Thing All About, Anyway?
The Following is a guest post by "Geoffrey" that I thought was very well-written and entertaining. Take a look around you -- a whole website, dedicated to adults wearing diapers. What's that all about? Well, [...]
Request From My Readers and A Shopping in a Diaper Photo
How is everyone's week going so far? I am so glad tomorrow is Friday - it has been a really slow and rough week for me. Time seems to be absolutely crawling. We have had [...]
Providers Choice Active Ultra Plus Adult Diaper Review
This Provider’s Choice Active Ultra Plus Adult Diaper Review actually comes from a Guest Post blogger by the name of Nick Payne. This is his review of the Active Ultra Plus. I have personally tried [...]
How To Be Comfortable Wearing Diapers
Wearing diapers is not a completely natural thing in everyday society even though most of us truly want it to be. You have to truly get used to wearing diapers to be fully comfortable with [...]