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The True Benefits of Wearing Adult Diapers
The true benefits of wearing adult diapers are hard to explain and can truly only be realized by actually experiencing wearing a diaper. Not many people can remember the feeling as a child when they [...]
Can Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers Exist in the Real World
Adult babies and diaper lovers are a bigger crowd than most people can appreciate. We number probably in the 10's of thousands if not close to hundreds of thousands if you included those that do [...]
The Need for Public Diaper Awareness
So, with the latest news on Bruce Jenner coming out as a transgender and how much of the public and media are trying to harmonize it and basically promote acceptability of it; I got to [...]
Getting Into a Routine and Working Out in Diapers
With all the changes lately in my life I am trying to get into a daily routine. As some of you may know I like to go to the gym a lot and workout. With [...]