I know this may be a little bit off topic but I just truly had to post this. Â Listening to this song personally is probably one of the most inspirational things I have heard. Â Some of you may have seen this already but let me go ahead and post it for everyone to see. Â Here is a little background on it: A bunch of celebrities got together to sing an absolutely amazing song to kick off a worldwide event to “Stand Up to Cancer” – I know this has nothing to do with diapers but look we are all human and this can effect everyone no matter what so I believe its important. Â Check out the video and song:
I just thought I would share this with everyone as its meaningful to me and I thought some of you out there may find it as touching as I do. Â Enjoy..
That’s pretty cool. It’s like a throw back to the early nineties concerts for causes. Is cancer a big problem in your family?
That was a good song. As soon as I heard it I had to download it.
There is a slash across the play button