[kml_flashembed movie=”http://blog.imabdl.com/flash/sp150.swf” height=”302″ width=”454″ /] Just wanted to post a new photo for you all because I haven’t done this in a while! This is a picture that Peter took of me because I really needed a change if you can tell 🙂 He was just taking pictures before he changed me, sneaky boy 🙂 I hope everyone has a great Thursday! 🙂.
Hey. Nice bum! LOL
What kind of diaper is that? I’ve never seen one of those before.
Where did you get it from?
cute. Your socks match the stripe on your diaper hehe
i dont get a photo to come up on my screen
i dont get a photo is this my comp or how the site is set up ??
I just can’t see on my screen the diaper photo just before ehe changed you. can u send it again.
I can’t see this picture either. Weird.
I can’t see the picture ;^;. Is there any other way to view it?