The longest day of my life I think just occurred! Anyways thankfully both Peter and I are home at the same time today so we are getting ready to sit down to dinner and relax for a while! god i never thought that I could fall asleep this early in the evening but I could go to sleep now and sleep all the way till tomorrow morning! This morning something funny happened to me! I woke up and It was so early and I was so tired I just changed my diaper because I had gotten up before Peter. I didn’t look at the diaper or anything just put it on or left.. Well I was standing in the elevator going up to my office and i started to leak just a little bit which didn’t make sense because there was no way it could need to be changed. When i went to the bathroom I found that my dog had ripped a while down the middle of my diaper and it was just leaking straight through. I changed and had no problems but I cannot figure out what to do, no matter what they always seem to get to the diaper and mess with them! ooh well..well off to make dinner, More later!
