So, as promised I was able to figure out a way to add premium content and it is now LIVE.
You can access it here: PREMIUM CONTENT
I am using the payment processor STRIPE – they are a very secure payment processor and it will also not show anything on your credit card that has anything to do with this site. All it will show is the word ACCESS. So, it will be completely anonymous in those terms as well. It is secure and I do not see any details of the transaction at all as it all processed through stripe.
If you have problems please let me know and I will have the person who set it up for me look into it. The guy I had set it all up for me is tech savvy and it should be working!
Like I said there will be constant updates and it will grow – I have a huge stockpile of photos that I have taken over the years and recently and continue to take – so it will be updated regularly (at least once per week). It is a way for me to give back as well as some of my fans to help support my site and efforts.
I appreciate all the positive feedback and support thus far.
Again the link is: PREMIUM CONTENT