Wearing diapers for many of us is not a need but a want, which is completely fine. If it is what makes you feel comfortable, secure, etc. then thats fine. But, the point has come to my attention that whether you wear diapers for your own personal health reasons or just because you want to does not give you the right to impose that life on others in the public. I have read many message boards where certain people complain to everyone else why they are so ‘scared’ to show off their diapers in public. Granted, everyone has their opinion but honestly what is the POINT of showing off your diaper in public? There is none…besides the fact that most likely it ‘turns you on’ somehow. So, basically your engaging in some sort of sexual fantasy in public?
Many people have professional lives outside of their private lives and do not want to be flagrantly flaunting their diapers. They (such as me) may not care if someone catches a glimpse or happens to see your diaper peeking out or what not because they may just assume its a disability or not a big deal. But, there is no need to go and ‘show off’ your diapers to the world. This was the case in a previous article about a diaper flasher in which he could now get in serious trouble with the law for such an act. Not everyone can afford to risk their professional and/or personal life by flaunting the fact that they wear diapers..
i dont know how i camt across this since it was writen over a year ago but after jumping pages threw random web searchs i found my way here. but anyway to my point hehe in my life i wear for fun and need. at night i have no controll or well just when i sleep an i started to wear for protection of that i started to enjoy wearing. and after awhile ive gotten to where iam tired of hiding the fact. now i dont want to force it onto anyone but when it comes to my closest friend i dont want to hide it anymore. i understand where your coming from too. i dont ever force it on people i honestly wait to see if i think they will be ok with it and if i think that it wont cuase problems and that they will be accepting ill tell. i just dont like hiding something that is a huge part of my life.