I am like any other girl – I like clothes a lot…but I must say that I have a knack for designer brand clothes.  I am sure many people have heard of the brand Ed Hardy and I must say I love their t-shirts for women.  I just wanted to show you all a photo of me rockin’ a diaper with my new Ed Hardy shirt.  I think its cute.

[kml_flashembed fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”http://www.iheartdiapers.com/wp-content/uploads/flashim/edhardydiap.swf” publishmethod=”static” width=”407″ height=”600″]Get Adobe Flash player


You can also see I am sporting a Bambino Diaper in the photo.  But, I must say I don’t have too many things that are pink but I personally think pink doesn’t look to bad on me.  Even though I have put on a pound or two :-(  I have been so busy lately to get the exercise I usually get but I am making my New Year’s resolution to lose a little bit of weight so that even with a diaper on I can fit into a size 25 pair of jeans which would be a major accomplishment for me.  I know everyone’s resolution probably has to do with fitness or losing weight and I am no different…I really need to lay off the candy corn and popcorn…haha – BAD me..