It happens to be a beautiful day today!! So i can tell you what I am doing when I get off work! Putting on my bathing suit top and sunbathing in my backyard in my diaper and bathing suit 🙂 hehe it is going to be so much fun I can hardly wait!! Today has been pretty uneventful! I am really excited about this weekend though! Peter and I have a group of friends that live in Texas and they are coming up to spend the weekend with us! So that should be lots of fun! sometimes it nice to get out and go out with friends! Alrighty well back to work…
More later… 🙂.
Gosh, Stacey, until your report about your beautiful day here in Los Angeles we were having a heat wave, more like August than typical dreary March. So I was thinking of also doing some sunbathing tonight. Then after reading your message, I turned to see out the window the shy getting dark and nasty.
What was it the mayor of jacksonville said about going to California for the winter and that was where to be sure of finding winter? We had our rain weeks ago, and they the floods and mud slides, so we are entitled to some sun, darn it!
Could always be worse….could be here in Alaska where we are just now finally starting to get “nearly” back to normal day’s and nights! Sun still doesn’t make it fully up…but at least it’s not twilight, or early morning from 10am – 3pm! Think we are gaining like 15 min a day right now for daylight. Soon we will be back in our summers of near 24 hours of daylight! So looking forward to some camping, hiking and everything else!
yea i think i am going to layout in the sun myself tomorrow
Nothing is better than getting a tan on a beautiful day with some good tunes and a glass of tea in a diaper of course with shorts over my diaper.;p