

August 2011

Change Your Poopy Diaper – It is Healthy

A poopy diaper is exactly that - a messy, stinky, bacteria-filled, and so on diaper. I have lately read so many posts about how people enjoy sitting in their poopy diaper for hours on end [...]

Wet Active Ultra Diaper Change

So, I recently got a case of the Active Ultra diapers in and have been using them non-stop.  I like these diapers a lot.  The all white is really nice when I am not feeling [...]

July 2011

New Features on I Heart Diapers

As many of you know I have been working on slowly adding new features to I Heart Diapers...well I have officially added a few new things.  First, I added a new email system for a [...]

Camo Skirt and Bambino Diapers

Alright, so I am back on the posting wagon and things should become a little more regular around here.  Expect to start seeing a few surprise changes as well.  I am planning on making this [...]

Move Complete…Finally

So, we finally finished moving! Wow that was a crazy experience and lets say I never want to do it like that again.  We are stupid and moved only "some" of our stuff in a [...]

June 2011

My Lack of Posting

I know, I know - another apologizing post.  My life is extremely hectic right now - we are in the midst of moving into a house from our current apartment so things are all over [...]

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