

February 2011

A Night Out

Just making a quick post while I am getting ready to go out for a "night on the town".  Haha not really on the town but going to go out with some friends and have [...]

January 2011

December 2010

November 2010

Thankful for what God has Given Me

I want to wish everyone a Happy Post-Thanksgiving...I am a little late on it since I was busy with Thanksgiving yesterday...had to cook for a lot of people.  Anyways, I just wanted to write a [...]

Secure X-Plus or Bambino Diapers

So, I have gotten this question multiple times on whether I think the Secure X-Plus or the Bambino Diaper Classico, Teddy, or Bianco are more absorbent.  In my opinion, they are all the same top [...]

October 2010

Complexity Behind Buying Adult Diapers

Buying adult diapers can be a complex process for some people based on their needs.  Many people you would be surprised to find out that they know nothing about buying diapers online such as Abena, [...]

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