

January 2010

Patting A Diapered Butt

You are probably looking at the title of this post and thinking, "Well that is a strange title".  But, I wanted to discuss a feeling that I think many adult babies and diaper lovers can [...]

December 2009

Unique Wellness Brief Review

I have heard a lot of talk about the Unique Wellness Brief, so I figured I would see what all the fuss was about it.  At first, I did receive a bad batch and was [...]

Cutest Adult Onesie (For Girls)

Ok, so I went into J Crew the other day just browsing and OMG I found the cutest onesie.  I tried it on and everything and I wanted it so bad but I could not [...]

Keeping Diapers New and Exciting

Obviously, wearing diapers all day, everyday, one is bound to lose the "specialness" in wearing a diaper and all the joy it can bring.  That is wear new and exciting things come into play to [...]

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