August 2009
To The ABDL Community
I am only going to address this once as I feel it needs some addressing. First, I will start off by saying that this blog is for ME. It is a way that I have [...]
Where Did the Weekend Go?
Gosh, the weekends go so fast. My weeks drag by and then finally it is the weekend and I feel like it just goes by so quickly and before I know it, its Monday again. [...]
The Adult Baby and Diaper Lover Reality
Adult babies and diaper lovers have always been faced with a stigma from the general public because of the relationship between diapers and babies. People automatically associate that because a grown adult enjoys wearing diapers [...]
Support Me
As some of you have already been able to tell there are a few advertisements on my site that are hopefully not to obtrusive. If any of you have a better suggestion for where the [...]
Diapered in the Kitchen
While I do not think this is my most flattering picture, I will post it anyways. This photo was taken in our kitchen before going out to see a movie. Rockin the white know [...]
Adult Diapers and Tax Free Holiday
This weekend (Friday - Sunday) if you live in the United States is tax-free weekend. If you live in certain states then you are entitled to tax free on certain items. Here is the complete [...]