

July 2009

Peter Modeling Diapers

I know this probably isn't as good as me modeling diapers but like I said I do enjoy taking photos and however poor I am at photography - I still like taking pictures.  So check [...]

Bambino Quadro Booster Review

The Bambino Quadro Booster is Bambino's premier booster made specifically to fit their Bambino Diapers.  Though it will fit into most adult diapers, it was designed to lay perfectly within the Bambino Diaper seat area [...]

My New Blog Design

Welcome to my new blog design - it is still a work in progress but I didn't want to keep it down for too long. Still adding some graphics, tweaks here and there, etc. I [...]

Vacation Was Great

So, I know it has been a little bit since my last post but I was on about a week long vacation that was much needed. We went to Sunset Beach and it was beautiful [...]

June 2009

My Opinion of Non-Incontinent Diaper Users

My opinion of people who wear diapers and are not incontinent is not negative at all.  Just because I am incontinent does not mean I don't enjoy the same thing about wearing diapers as the [...]

Beauty of Bambino Diapers

So many of you may not know that I am an "amateur" (keyword there) photographer.  Trying to learn how to take nice photos and all that jazz!  Anyways, I was reading my photography book and [...]

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