March 2008
Cute Cloth Diaper Pattern Okay so I tried to just copy and paste the picture into this post but it turned out so big that it took up the entire i decided just to post the link [...]
Finished the cleaning!
Welp I think i finally finished all the cleaning 🙂 or at least as much as Peter would let me do on this beautiful Sunday! Peter says that we need to do something more productive [...]
Sunday Can Be Boring
Sorry everyone for not posting yesterday I was gone the whole day with family related matters and was not around a computer to post. I rarely see my family so it rarely happens but yeh...So, [...]
Diaper Change Organizer
I was browsing around and I saw this and thought how awesome it is! In my house I have a room that we pretty much devote to using to storing and changing diapers! It helps [...]
Night Night Time
Once I go and get my diaper changed by Peter it is time for me to get some sleep! Got a lot of cleaning done tonight while Peter was out at a dinner meeting! It [...]
It happens to be a beautiful day today!! So i can tell you what I am doing when I get off work! Putting on my bathing suit top and sunbathing in my backyard in my [...]