So, I know it has been a little bit since my last post but I was on about a week long vacation that was much needed. We went to Sunset Beach and it was beautiful pretty much the whole time we were there. It was just me and Peter so I will say that Peter did take a few pictures of me laying on the beach in my diaper that I will share one with people once I get it uploaded onto my computer. I hope everyone had a great July 4th for those who live in the US. I will make another post here shortly when I get time to upload my photos and unpack a bit. .
Sunset Beach in Hawaii? And you didn’t call?
I’m sorry for this comment being off the subject a bit but when I first started to looking into the DL thing I first looked at the internet. I came across a couple of sites that were filled with DL stories. It is obvious that the majority of them are complete fiction, one story describing how a cheating husband had revenge reaped upon him by forcing him into the world of infantism for the rest of his life and having various things done to him buy two women that the then ex wife had paid to carry out the task. The two women also sold his house and all his possessions and burnt all his adult clothes. You can see how I believe it to be fiction. However it got me thinking that if we have to train ourselves as toddlers to use the toilet and not wet the bed etc is it possible to train yourself to be incontinent which is what happened in a couple of the stories that I read. The man was not able to control his bowls or his bladder because he had been sort of brainwashed into letting go. What people think of this theory, is it possible?
Can i get a one small photo from your site?
Thank you
Glad you had a good time, Adrian 🙂
Thanks for all you do to give us insight into the life of a real, happy AB/DL.